Age of Empires download

Age of Empires is one of the first games of the type to use historical units
Download from the developer's website

Alternative software

Age of Empires II - The Conquerors Expansion
Age of Empires II

Conquerors is the expansion of the great game Age of Empires II The Age of Kings

Age of Empires III - The WarChiefs
Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs trial allows players exploring many features.

Jack of all Tribes
Jack of all Tribes

Explore the primeval world in Jack of all Tribes, a strategy-based HOG.

STARWARS: The Battle of Yavin
STARWARS: The Battle of Yavin

The Battle of Yavin challenges players to take on the role of Luke

Four Empires
Four Empires

A game similar to Monopoly but with different rules and scenarios.

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